Thursday, June 25, 2015

CSA Week 6

We had so many plans for this beautiful box of goodies. Jeff loves blueberries, and I believe he just ate these, plain and simple. I was most excited about the kohlrabi. What's not to love about trying such an alien looking veggie?! I'd even found a promising recipe for the radishes that involved the garlic scapes and part of the dill. Unfortunately, many of our ideas and recipes never came to fruition-- if you read my last post, you know it's because of our dear Maggie.

It's hard to remain excited about trying new recipes while waiting on a pathology report. It's even harder to maintain it and follow through on cooking the chosen recipes once the pathology report comes back with bad news. We still managed cook up some goodies despite everything that's going on with our sweet girl (and yes, I do have a pillow that resembles her!).

First up on the list was a garlic scape pizza. We love pizza around here, and we needed a new way to use the scapes. We love everything we've tried so far, but part of the joy of a CSA box is trying new things. So when I ran across a recipe for a garlic scape pizza made with a beer crust, I could not resist! We didn't really follow the recipe since we lean towards a vegetarian diet, but it was certainly a source of great inspiration. It also offered a way to create your own beer dough which was important since such specialty items are often not available in our area.

We halved the dough recipe since we were cooking for two. We'd hoped to use a local beer, but the store was out of single bottles. We went with a Fat Tire since that has worked well in other recipes. Other than following the dough recipe, everything went along as any other make your pizza might go.

I topped mine with the garlic scapes, a bit of kale we snagged at the Farmer's Market, and some fake bacon along with our favorite combo of mozzarella and freshly shaved parmesan reggiano. Jeff's is the same, but he added some oyster mushrooms left over from last week's CSA box.  I highly recommend this "recipe" because the scapes made for a flavor topping, and the dough offered a light yet tasty crust. Plus, the great thing about homemade pizza is everyone can pretty much do whatever he or she wants with it.

Another highlight this week were the summer squash sandwiches (from Earthy Feast) made with both CSA and Farmer's Market goodies. The recipe came with an aioli recipe, but we ended up using a more basic aioli recipe and adapted it to use the scapes. I really just didn't feel like buying a jar of mayo that would probably not get used again. I'm sure it would taste great though as the squash turned out excellent! As a side we made cooked up some garlicky dill fries-- sweet and regular (forgive the awful picture!).

Finally, we managed to try out the kohlrabi. Saveur had a recipe for a warm potato and kohlrabi salad. I really wish it had a different name as the term "potato salad" brings terrible images to my mind. I'm sorry if you love it, but I just think of warm mayo on a hot day. Blah! Thankfully this was far from it!

To change it from a side dish to a main dish (keep in mind, we also halved this recipe too), we topped it with an egg. Our local supply is supposed to be okay despite the national shortage. I hope it remains true because an egg is such an excellent way to round out meals! We also added some of the kale because our kohlrabi didn't come with the greens, and like many people say, "Everything is better with bacon." Except we used fake bacon. It still makes everything better!

We get a new basket this evening. Hopefully with the new basket and some encouragement from Maggie (despite being a feline, she manages to inspire us because she is that awesome!), we'll be better about cooking and keeping track of it during week 7.

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